Meeting 3/12: How to Opt Your Child Out of High Stakes Testing

Mar 10, 2014

How to Opt Your Child Out of High Stakes Testing

Are you tired of the impact high stakes tests are having on your school,
your child and your family? Join us to learn how to say NO and the steps
necessary to opt your child out.

Wednesday, March 12
6:30 pm

Kings Bay Y in Windsor Terrace
(corner of Prospect Avenue and Vanderbilt Street)

6:30-7:30 Janine Sopp from Change the Stakes will be in attendance to talk
to us about how to opt our kids out and answer any questions we have.

7:30-8:30 Meet and organize with other parents to plan next steps for
your school

Testing starts April 1st, please join us and take a stand to opt out

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Students, Parents and Teachers Speak Out for Quality Education

Visit Teacher’s Talk Testing to watch video of the Teachers discussing the real world consequences that excessive standardized testing has in their schools and classrooms

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