Join us in the Fight Against Governor Cuomo’s Proposed Destructive Education Legislation

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Diane Ravitch calls for Congressional hearings on

Education historian and activist Diane Ravitch just called for congressional hearings on the misuse and abuse of standardized tests used for high-stakes purposes — and she got some unexpected support. Read more:...

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Bill Aims To Curb High-Stakes Testing Mandates

A bipartisan bill that aims to cut the number of standardized tests the federal can impose on states has received approval from the nation’s largest teacher’s union. Today the National Education Association endorsed HR-4172, introduced last week by Reps. Chris Gibson...

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The myth of Common Core equity

The Common Core State Standards were originally promoted as a way of raising academic standards for all children around the country. But is the initiative really about equitable outcomes? Here’s a post that takes on that question, by award-winning New York Principal...

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Meeting 3/12: How to Opt Your Child Out of High Stakes Testing

How to Opt Your Child Out of High Stakes Testing Are you tired of the impact high stakes tests are having on your school, your child and your family? Join us to learn how to say NO and the steps necessary to opt your child out. Wednesday, March 12 6:30 pm Kings Bay Y...

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ParentVoicesNYTwo reasons every public school parent needs to attend the Rally to

 #ProtectOurSchools thisSaturday…


ParentVoicesNYSay goodbye to public schools: Diane Ravitch warns Salon some cities will soon have none

ParentVoicesNYJoin our letter writing campaign to fight against Cuomo’s destructive proposed education legislation